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Pain Relief

Explore our wide selection of pain relief products designed to alleviate various types of pain, from headaches to muscle aches. Our catalog includes various products from top brands like Panadol, Solpadeine, and Nurofen, ensuring you have access to trusted and effective treatments.


Our pain relief treatments include a variety of painkillers such as paracetamol, ibuprofen, available in different forms including tablets and capsules. Whether you're dealing with period pain, headaches, migraines, or back pain, muscle pain, and joint/gout pain, we have the right product for you. Enjoy the convenience of next-day delivery for all in-stock items.

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Naproxen Tablets (250mg & 500mg)

Diclofenac Sodium Tablets

Pain Relief

Although nobody likes pain, it is an essential communication tool for your body. When you feel pain, it tells you that something is wrong and you need to pay attention.

Pain occurs due to many reasons, sometimes it is mild and sometimes it becomes unbearable. Here is an overview of pain, its types, its causes, medications, management, and why it differs from person to person. Let’s go!

Major Types of Pain — In-Depth Insights

The major types of pain are acute pain and chronic pain. Let’s discuss them!

Acute Pain

Acute pain is a short-term pain that arises suddenly and resolves within a few weeks. It is caused by some illness or injury to bones, muscles, or organs.

It can cause stress, emotional issues, or anxiety and last for a few days or weeks. The types of acute pain include:

Back Pain: Upper, Lower, or Middle Back Pain

Back pain is caused by many factors such as poor posture, muscle strain, or underlying health conditions. Middle back pain is less common and is caused by osteoarthritis or herniated disc problems.

Upper back pain occurs due to joint dysfunction or muscle irritation while lower back pain is caused by prolonged sitting, heavy lifting, or sudden movements.

Back pain is treated with physical therapy, rest, and lifestyle changes such as exercise and ergonomic adjustments. If the issue persists, consult your doctor. 

Headaches: Migraine, Tension, or Cluster

Headache is one of the common types of pain and it can be tension headache, cluster headache, or migraine.

Migraine refers to intense pain and can last from a few hours to days, causing visual disturbances, nausea, and sensitivity to sound and light and affecting your daily activities.

Tension headaches are also common, causing aching sensation and pressure around the head. It occurs due to poor posture, stress, or muscle tension.

Cluster headache is less common and causes severe pain on one side of the head or eye. Effective medication, stress management, and lifestyle changes can treat this issue. 

Muscle Pain: Sprains, Strains, or Cramps

Muscle pain also called myalgia is caused by sprains (overstretching of ligaments), strains (overstretching of muscles), or cramps.

Cramps are involuntary contractions of a single or group of muscles, causing intense pain. It is caused by prolonged sitting, dehydration, or standing in one position and can last a few seconds to several minutes.

With prevention or effective treatment, you can cure muscle pain efficiently. 

Dental Pain: Toothaches or Gum Inflammation

Dental pain can be due to toothache or gum inflammation. Toothache occurs due to infection, cavities, or tooth decay, leading to constant or sharp pain.

Gum inflammation referred to as gingivitis, occurs due to poor oral hygiene and causes gum irritation. Maintaining good oral hygiene and taking medications can resolve this issue. 

Joint Pain: Arthritis or Tendonitis

Joint pain can be due to tendonitis or arthritis. Arthritis refers to stiffness and inflammation in the joints. On the other hand,

tendonitis is irritation or inflammation of the tendons, causing mild swelling, tenderness, and pain in the affected area. This issue can be resolved via rest, medication, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes. 

Period Pain

Period pain (dysmenorrhea) is a common pain. Many women experience it during the menstrual cycle. It results in cramping in the lower abdomen, thighs, or lower back.

You can treat it with regular exercise, lifestyle changes, or over-the-counter painkillers.

Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is a long-term pain and can resist medical treatment. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), chronic pain can last for three months.

It occurs due to nerve, tissue, or muscle damage, causing mental issues such as anxiety and depression and worsening the pain. The types of chronic pain may include:

Arthritis Pain: Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis

Arthritis pain occurs due to Rheumatoid arthritis (an auto-immune disease that affects the joints) or osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease).

It causes swelling, inflammation, bone erosion, and joint deformity. With surgical interventions, medications, and lifestyle changes, this issue can be resolved. 

Fibromyalgia: Widespread Musculoskeletal Pain

Fibromyalgia refers to various musculoskeletal pain and causes mood swings, memory issues, fatigue, and sleep disturbances.

Fibromyalgia causes severe pain, fatigue, and tenderness and affects both sides of your body. With effective medication, stress management, exercise, and physical therapy, this issue can be resolved. 

Chronic Back Pain: Persistent Lower Back Discomfort

Chronic back pain lasts for 12 weeks or longer and it can be due to a herniated disc issue, degenerative disc disease, ligament or muscle strain, or spinal stenosis. This issue can be resolved via effective painkillers, physical therapy, and surgical interventions. 

Chronic Pelvic Pain: Persistent Pain In the Pelvic Region

Chronic pelvic pain is a persistent pain in the pelvic region and can last for 6 months or longer. It is caused by interstitial cystitis, endometriosis, irritable bowel syndrome,

musculoskeletal issues, and pelvic inflammatory disease. You can resolve this issue with lifestyle changes, surgical interventions, physical therapy, and medications.

What Are the Different Classifications of Pain?

Pain is also classified by the part of the body or type of the issue that is involved or affected. Its different classifications are:

Neuropathic Pain or Non-nociceptive Pain: Nerve Pain

Neuropathic pain arises when your nervous system gets damaged, causing stabbing and burning sensations.

Diabetic neuropathy is caused by high blood sugar levels, damaging nerves of your whole body while Sciatica is a compression of the sciatic nerve. Its other types are:

Central pain syndrome:

It occurs due to damage of the central nervous system from tumors, stroke, multiple sclerosis, or other conditions. This pain can affect large or small parts of your body such as hands, feet, etc. 

Postherpetic Neuralgia & Shingles:

The virus that causes chickenpox also causes shingles, resulting in a localized infection with severe pain and rash. It affects one side of your body along the nerve pathway. If this situation lasts more than a month, it is called Postherpetic Neuralgia.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: It occurs due to compression of the median nerve and causes tingling and numbness in fingers and hands.

Complex regional pain syndrome: It results from a serious injury, causing a burning sensation, swelling at the affected area, unusual sweating, or changes in the skin color. 

Trigeminal Neuralgia:

It is an inflammation of the face's nerves, resulting in severe pain.
Neuropathic pain is resolved via lifestyle changes, physical therapy, medications, and surgical interventions.

Tissue Pain (Nociceptive Pain):

Nociceptive pain arises when your body’s tissues are damaged or injured such as injury to organs, soft tissues, or bone.

It occurs when specialized nerve endings called nociceptors detect burns, inflammation, or cuts. It can be characterized into:

  • Pain arises from a disease called cancer or arthritis.
  • Pain due to physical injury such as broken bones or surgical wounds.

Nociceptive pain is sharp, throbbing, or stabbing. It can be constant or frequent but once you laugh or move, it becomes worse. Certain medical treatments can heal damaged tissue and relieve pain.

The types of nociceptive pain are somatic and visceral pain such as:

Somatic Pain:

Somatic pain arises from bones, muscles, connective tissues, or skin due to strain, injury, fractures, sprains, or inflammation, causing a throbbing, sharp, or aching sensation in a specific part of the body.

It is a localized pain so it is easy to diagnose it. Its treatment may include ice compression, rest, and anti-inflammatory medicines.

Visceral Pain

Visceral pain arises from the internal organs of the body such as the reproductive system, heart, gastrointestinal tract, or lungs.

It is not localized and offers deep, cramping, diffuse, and aching sensation, so it is hard to pinpoint it. It occurs due to kidney stones, menstrual cramps, gallstones, and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Anti-inflammatory painkillers and lifestyle changes can resolve this issue.

Sympathetic Pain

Sympathetic pain arises due to injury of the sympathetic nervous system and causes a stinging, throbbing, or burning sensation. Physical therapy, medication, and other interventions can resolve this issue.

Referred Pain

Referred pain occurs when pain is perceived in a part of the body other than its actual source. Examples include a heart attack, where pain is often felt in the left jaw, arm, or neck, and gallbladder issues, where pain may be felt in the back or shoulder.

Diagnosing referred pain can be challenging, but medical interventions such as imaging tests, physical examinations, and patient history are crucial in pinpointing the underlying cause.

Treatment typically involves addressing the root condition, which may include medications, physical therapy, or surgical procedures to alleviate the referred pain.

Cancer Pain

Cancer pain can be acute, chronic, constant, or intermittent and results from the tumor growth on nerves, bones, or other organs.

Its treatment interventions include radiation therapy, chemotherapy, surgery, analgesics, opioids, anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy, and complementary therapy.

When Should You Consult a Doctor for Pain Relief?

If your pain is not managed with over-the-counter medicines, consult your doctor and tell him about your condition and any side effects if you are getting them.

However, if the doctor is not available, you can consult your local pharmacist for urgent advice. Moreover, you can consult a doctor if your pain:

  • It causes anxiety, depression, or stress
  • Has not improved within 2-3 weeks
  • Is causing sleeping problems and discomfort
  • Has not gone away with the treatment you have tried
  • Is interfering with your regular activities

Living with pain is quite challenging as it causes emotional and physical damage. Many treatments can relieve you from pain whether acute or chronic. Let’s figure them out!

Diagnosis of Pain

If you are suffering from pain, doctors can easily evaluate its causes by asking about the symptoms and your medical history such as surgery, injury, or illness. Your doctor can diagnose your pain with the following methods:

X-ray: X-ray imaging effectively evaluates the issues of herniated discs, bone fractures, osteoarthritis, and other problems.

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging): It offers clear pictures of your body’s structures and organs and uses radio waves, a computer, and a large magnet for image-making.

MRI can take 15 minutes or more than an hour depending on the patient’s condition or the number of images required. 

CT scan (computed tomography): It uses X-rays and produces an image of your body on computers, helping doctors to diagnose the cause of pain efficiently.

For a CT scan, you lie on a table and it will move through a doughnut-shaped scanning device. A CT scan can take 15 minutes or an hour. 

Nerve blocks: This test helps your doctor to diagnose and treat your pain. In this, the doctor injects an anesthetic into your nerve location and evaluates the cause of your pain via your response to the nerve block. 

EMG (electromyogram): This test evaluates your muscle activity by puffing fine needles into your muscles and measuring your response to electric signals.

Discography and Myelogram:

These tests help doctors to figure out neck or back pain. In this, your doctor injects a dye into your disc or spinal canal to see the damaged areas on X-rays. 

Ultrasound imaging: It uses high-frequency sound waves and displays the internal images of your body to detect infection or other disorders. 

Bone scanning: This scanning uses radioactive material and tracks fractures, infections, or other disorders in your bone.

Testing: Certain types of blood tests, urine tests, spinal fluid tests, and reflex and balance tests are done to diagnose the origin and cause of pain effectively.


What Causes Pain? Factors Influencing Pain

Pain is caused by physical and psychological factors which include:

Physical Factors

Aging affects your joints, spine, and bones which causes pain. Some other physical factors include:

  • Injury 
  • Nerve damage
  • Inflammation
  • Poor posture
  • Wearing high heels
  • Being overweight causes pain in the knees and back
  • The curvature of the spine
  • Lifting of heavy objects
  • Sleeping on an uneven mattress

Diseases such as osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, AIDS, gallbladder problems, stomach ulcers, multiple sclerosis, etc.

Psychological Factors

These factors include:

  • Stress
  • Fear
  • Depression
  • Expectations
  • Attention
  • Anxiety

These factors keep you in a state of alert, increasing your blood pressure, tensing your muscles, and causing pain.


Like causes, the treatment of pain is diverse, including prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, alternative therapies, and much more.

Sometimes a single technique proves to be beneficial and sometimes you have to apply 2-3 treatment options together to get relief. Let’s jump into the world of pain treatment! 

Pain Relief Medications — Painkiller Tablet Name List

Painkillers manage acute or chronic pain by targeting the cause of pain. These are powerful drugs so use them safely and according to your doctor’s recommended dose to avoid any side effects. Let’s explore the types of these painkillers!

Over-The-Counter Pain Relievers

Over-the-counter medicines are available in pharmacies and you can buy them without a doctor’s prescription. They treat mild-moderate pain and include:

Paracetamol or Acetaminophen (Tylenol): Paracetamol is best for Short-Term or Mild-Moderate Pain. It blocks pain messages from reaching the brain, relieves pain, treats headaches, manages osteoarthritis, and reduces fever caused by muscle stiffness and aches.

It is safe for adults, pregnant women, children, and infants as it is less likely to cause side effects and stomach irritation.

However, take Acetaminophen according to your doctor’s instructions and never exceed the recommended dose as its high amount can harm your liver.

NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs):

These are a group of medicines that block COX-1 and COX-2 substances that cause pain. They reduce inflammation, redness, and swelling, and relieve pain.

They are also effective in treating muscle aches, headaches, arthritis, backache, minor injuries, sprains, and menstrual pain.

However, they are not best for those who have liver issues, stomach problems, asthma, and high blood pressure (hypertension). NSAIDs include

Aspirin: It is the oldest pain reliever that treats fever, swelling, and pain. It prevents blood clotting and manages stroke and heart diseases.

It may cause stomach pain, nausea, heartburn, Reye’s syndrome (swelling in the brain and liver) and vomiting so take it as directed by your health care professional. 

Diclofenac: It inhibits the production of prostaglandins and reduces fever, pain, and inflammation. It is best for the treatment of migraines, menstrual cramps, and arthritis.

However, it can cause liver damage, heart problems, and gastrointestinal issues so use them according to your doctor’s guidelines.

Naproxen (Aleve): It is the best painkiller tablet that treats arthritis, sunburn, sprains, and other conditions. It lasts 8-12 hours and is more effective than other drugs. 

Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin): It is the strongest painkiller tablet that is used to treat fever, inflammation, sore muscles, menstrual cramps, and pain. It causes fewer side effects such as stomach irritation and blood-thinning issues.

However, its improper use can cause kidney damage so use it according to your doctor’s instructions. 

Prescription Pain Relievers.

For prescription pain relievers, you will need a doctor’s prescription to access these medicines. Prescription painkillers include:

  • NSAIDs: Meloxicam
  • COX-2 inhibitor: Celecoxib (treat inflammation-related pain)
  • Strong opioids: Oxycodone and hydrocodone (treat severe pain resulting from injury or surgery)
  • Corticosteroids
  • Antidepressants
  • Lidocaine patches
  • Anticonvulsants (anti-seizure drugs)

Let’s explore more!

1. Opioid Analgesics

Opioids are powerful painkillers and treat moderate pain after injury or surgery and chronic pain in patients with cancer.

Opioids like opium mimic the pain-relieving substances (endorphins) that are naturally produced by your brain. They lower the pain signals and muffle other nerve functions such as heart rate, level of alertness, and breathing. Opioids include:

  • Codeine
  • Tramadol (Ultram)
  • Morphines
  • Oxycodone (OxyContin)
  • Buprenorphine (Buprenex, Butrans)
  • Hydrocodone-acetaminophen (Vicodin)
  • Fentanyl (Duragesic)
  • Hydromorphone (Exalgo ER)
  • Oxymorphone (Opana)
  • Meperidine (Demerol)

Opioids are narcotic pain relievers that contain synthetic, semi-synthetic, or natural opiates, offering immediate and extended-release formulas.

However, you must use opioids according to your doctor’s instructions and never share your medicine with anyone as opioids can be addictive and can cause serious effects such as breathing problems, death, etc.

About Opioid Addiction Risks and Prevention

Opioids can cause the risk of addiction. If you use opioids for a short term, you become tolerant to these drugs. After this, you will need higher doses of opioids to get the same level of pain relief.

You can also become dependent on opioid drugs (if the medicine shows negative effects) and if you stop taking them, you will get withdrawal symptoms and start yearning for more opioids. 

Opioid addiction affects your personal life and also interferes with your daily activities. So, if you develop a symptom of opioid addiction, consult your doctor immediately.

2. COX-2 Inhibitors for Pain

These painkillers reduce the side effects of traditional NSAIDs and treat arthritis, back pain, strains, sprains, menstrual cramps, and neck injuries. It blocks the COX-2 enzyme that causes pain and inflammation. It offers a lower risk of stomach damage.

3. Antidepressants for Chronic Pain

Antidepressants are effective in reducing chronic pain and treating fibromyalgia, migraine, and neuralgia (nerve pain). They increase the activity of chemical messengers called neurotransmitters in the spinal cord and brain and reduce pain signals. Antidepressants include:

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs): citalopram (Celexa), paroxetine (Paxil), sertraline (Zoloft), and fluoxetine (Prozac). 

  • Tricyclic antidepressants: doxepin (Silenor), nortriptyline (Pamelor), amitriptyline, imipramine (Tofranil), and desipramine (Norpramin).
  • Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs): venlafaxine (Effexor XR) and duloxetine (Cymbalta). These antidepressants also prevent epileptic seizures and manage depression, relieving chronic painBest. 

4. Topical Medicines for Pain Relief

Some pain-relief medications are directly applied to specific parts of the skin to reduce pain. They include pain relief creams, gel, lotions, and pain relief sprays. The other examples of topical medicine are:

  • Capsaicin cream is an extract of chili peppers
  • Aspercreme
  • BenGay
  • Diclofenac gel
  • Icy Hot
  • Lidocaine (Lidoderm) patch

The small amount of topical medicines get absorbed into your bloodstream, reduce swelling and inflammation, and are best for short-term pain management such as in osteoarthritis and sore muscles. 

5. Muscle Relaxers 

These drugs depress your central nervous system and provide relief from muscle spasms and tension. These medicines are effective for acute (short-term) pain such as nerve pain, back pain, and nighttime muscle pain.

6. Cannabidiol (CBD)

Cannabidiol is effective for neuropathic pain and people have been using it for thousands of years to manage pain. CBD is non-euphoric and non-impairing, containing plant chemical cannabidiol and offering pain-relieving effects. 

7. Corticosteroids

Corticosteroids suppress your immune system’s inflammatory response, reduce pain, and inflammation, and treat arthritis. These painkillers also provide relief from allergic reactions, itching, redness, asthma, and swelling. These drugs may include:

  • Methylprednisolone (Medrol)
  • Hydrocortisone (Cortef)
  • Prednisone (Deltasone)
  • Prednisolone (Prelone)
  • Take a lower dose of Corticosteroids for the shortest period to avoid any side effects. 


Anticonvulsants treat neuralgia (nerve pain), seizure disorders, and fibromyalgia and include:

  • Pregabalin (Lyrica)
  • Gabapentin (Neurontin)
  • Carbamazepine (Tegretol)
  • Phenytoin (Dilantin)
  • Topiramate (Topamax)

Anticonvulsant drugs block abnormal pain signals and do not let them reach the spinal cord and brain. They also reduce the risk of suicide and suicidal thoughts.

More Options

Pain Relief Creams

These are topical medicines that are placed directly on the skin of the area affected to reduce pain. Pain relief creams are particularly effective when you have back pain, muscle aches, joint pain (arthritis), and pain from strains and sprains. Its remarkable benefits are:

  • Act on the painful area directly and give rapid relief.
  • Absorb and spread on the skin efficiently and reduce aches.
  • Absorb less into your bloodstream and reduce the risk of adverse side effects.

Include various active ingredients such as menthol, capsaicin, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs such as ibuprofen or diclofenac, providing more anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects than others.

Pain Relief Gels

Over-the-counter pain relief gels provide fast-acting relief due to their penetrative properties on the skin. These gels create the effect of coldness, thus reducing inflammation and addressing your muscle pain.

They are non-messy and non-greasy, applying accurately on painful areas These gels are best for:

  • Muscle sprains and strains
  • Back pain
  • Joint pain
  • Minor injuries.


The common and notable ingredients of pain relief gels are:

Diclofenac: An NSAID which will assist in the control of inflammation and the reduction of pain.

Menthol: It will produce a cold sensation and distract your mind from the pain.

Lidocaine: This is a local anesthetic that induces numbness and lessens the severity of the pain.
Pain Relief Sprays

They work like pain relief creams but are administered in the form of a spray. They are most suitable for those who have an injury in a certain place (hard-to-reach areas).

They are effective in treating joint and muscle pain, giving a warming and cooling effect, and minimizing the intensity of the pain due to inflammation and swelling. Its common brands are:

Deep Heat: Contains menthol and methyl salicylate and has a warm feeling when applied to the skin.

Voltaren: It contains diclofenac, an NSAID used to treat arthritis pain and inflammation.

Biofreeze: Has a cooling sensation due to menthol and is generally used by athletes.

Icy Hot: Provides a slightly different effect because the product has cooling menthol and warming capsaicin.

Pain Relief Patches

These patches deliver analgesic either through the skin or to the affected painful area. Specifically, pain relief patches are used to relieve muscle pain, chronic pain, localized pain, neuropathic pain, arthritis, post-surgical pains, and low back pain.

The application process of pain relief patches is quick, offering relief from pain for several hours to days. It is not very likely to cause systemic side effects. Their common types are:

NSAID Patches (e. g. Diclofenac): In arthritis and muscle strain, it reduces inflammation and pain as well.

Lidocaine Patches (e. g. Lidoderm): It is taken by people mostly for post-herpetic neuralgia and nerve pain.

Fentanyl Patches: This is used mostly in cases of cancer pain, and pains that come from diseases related to that of cancer or that are persistent. These patches are effective for pain management for a long period.

Capsaicin Patches: They are derived from chili peppers to allow a bland warmth. In general, they can relieve muscle and joint-related pains.

Things to Consider:

While using pain relief patches, you must consider the following things:

Affected Area: This patch should be applied on clean and dry skin so that it would blend with the natural skin color.

Recommended duration: It is advisable to adhere to the recommended time of using the patch to avoid any harm to the skin such as irritation or inflammation and to have the best results of the patch.

Analysis: It is recommended to always observe the patch and the skin so as not to cause an allergic reaction or worst of all, an adverse reaction.

Different pain relief medicines allow people to make the best decision regarding their pain management. Thus, one should always consult a doctor to get the most suitable treatment according to his/her health condition.


  • What Is the Best Painkiller for Me?

    It depends on your health condition, type, duration, and severity of pain, and other factors. So, consult your doctor to find the best and most appropriate option for you. 

  • What Is the Best Pain Medication for Chronic Pain?

    What Is best for pain relief? The best medicines for chronic pain are NSAIDs, non-opioid analgesics, antidepressants, and anticonvulsants. However, its selection depends on various factors and patients’ health conditions. So, talk to your healthcare professional about choosing the best medicine.

  • What Stops Nerve Pain Immediately?

    Topical medicines such as gels or lidocaine patches, OTC drugs, opioids, and oral medicines such as pregabalin or gabapentin offer immediate relief from nerve pain. However, you must consult a doctor to make the right choice.

  • What Are the 3 Types of Pain Relief?

    The basic three types of pain relief are:

    Pharmacological: This includes medications such as NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), antidepressants, opioids, and analgesics that help alleviate pain by targeting its biological mechanisms.

    Non-Pharmacological: This encompasses physical, behavioral, and cognitive therapies. Examples include physical therapy, acupuncture, massage, relaxation techniques, and psychological approaches like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).

    Interventional Techniques: These involve more invasive methods such as surgical interventions, nerve blocks, and injections, which aim to directly target and interrupt the pathways of pain transmission.

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