Diclofenac Sodium - Uses, Side Effects, and More - Ashcroft Pharmacy

Diclofenac Sodium - Uses, Side Effects, and More - Ashcroft Pharmacy

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Diclofenac is a prescription drug that is used to reduce inflammation, swelling, and pain.

It belongs to a class of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and comes in the form of capsules, tablets (including slow-release capsules and tablets), suppositories, gel, and plasters.

Let’s explore more about this medicine such as product specifications, dose, uses, side effects, and more!

How Does Diclofenac Work?

Diclofenac tablets (25mg and 50mg) effectively relieve pain and inflammation in your joints and muscles.
They work by targeting the production of prostaglandins, chemicals naturally released in your body that cause pain and fever.

Diclofenac Dosage 

Diclofenac is available in the form of tablets, capsules, and suppositories. You should always take the treatment as instructed by your doctor or pharmacist.

Diclofenac dosage is taken 2 or 3 times a day. The doctor may prescribe Diclofenac dosage depending on factors such as weight, age, health condition, severity of your symptoms, and the form of treatment you should take.

The common dose for Diclofenac is 75mg to 150mg daily. Your doctor will prescribe either Diclofenac 50mg,25mg, or 75mg dose if you have general pains such as headache, muscle ache, or period pain.

If you have severe pain such as arthritis, and back pain, your doctor will prescribe you a higher dose of Diclofenac 100mg or 150mg.

Your child will get a prescription for the right dose depending on their weight. Diclofenac 25mg and diclofenac 50mg should be taken every 8 hours and the maximum dose you can take is 150mg.

If you experience pain all the time, your healthcare provider may recommend a slow-release Diclofenac tablet. You should take slow-release capsules once or twice a day.

If you take it once, it should be in the evening and if you take the treatment twice, take it in the morning and evening leaving a gap of 10 to 12 hours between your doses.

How to take Diclofenac tablets and capsules?

To minimize stomach upset,
take Diclofenac capsules or tablets with food or a drink. If taking with water, consume them after a meal. Swallow the tablets or capsules whole; do not chew, break, or crush them.


How to use Diclofenac suppositories?

Diclofenac suppositories are inserted into the rectum to relieve pain and inflammation. Follow these steps:

1. Visit the toilet or bathroom. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

2. Gently clean the anal area with mild soap and water, then pat dry with a soft towel.

3. Remove the suppository from its packaging, ensuring the pointed end is facing upwards.

4. Lie on your side with your knees drawn up towards your chest. Gently insert the pointed end of the suppository into the rectum.

5. Lie down for approximately 15 minutes to allow the suppository to dissolve.

Important: Always follow the specific instructions provided by your healthcare professional or the medication label.

Diclofenac Gel Dosage

The amount of gel used depends on the area of treatment. Diclofenac gel can be applied 2 to 4 times a day depending on the strength of the treatment.

You should use the treatment as instructed by your doctor. If the doctor recommends you use the treatment twice, it should be in the morning and evening.

if you use the treatment 3 to 4 times daily, leave a gap of 4 hours between the doses.

Diclofenac Sodium Tablets side effects

Taking Diclofenac sodium treatment can cause mild and serious side effects. To manage the side effects you should seek advice from your doctor or pharmacist.

Mild side effects 

Mild side effects are manageable, they disappear after a few days or weeks. However, if you notice severe side effects you should get advice from your doctor.

Mild side effects of Diclofenac include

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea and vomiting 
  • Heartburn 
  • Dizziness
  • Headache 
  • Drowsiness
  • Itchy skin
  • Upset stomach 
  • Gas 
  • Hair loss 

Serious side effects 

You may experience serious side effects while taking Diclofenac treatment, however, the side effects are not common.

Talk to your doctor immediately when you notice serious side effects. Serious side effects of Diclofenac include.

  • Kidney failure 
  • Liver failure 
  • Breathing difficulties 
  • Severe allergic reactions 
  • Increased bleeding 
  • Depression 
  • Cardiovascular problems

Warning and precautions

Who Can and Cannot Take Diclofenac

Ensure that you speak to your doctor before taking Diclofenac sodium if you are having the following health problems

  • Asthma 
  • Heart failure 
  • Kidney problems 
  • High blood pressure 
  • Liver problems \serious allergic reactions caused by Diclofenac ingredients 

Also avoid taking the treatment before consulting with your doctor if you are breastfeeding, pregnant, or planning to get pregnant.

Diclofenac, Breastfeeding, pregnancy, and, fertility 

You should inform a doctor if you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant before taking the Diclofenac dose for adults.

If you need to take the treatment, you will require monitoring from your healthcare provider or a short-term diclofenac dosage.

If you are in your last 3 months of pregnancy, taking a Diclofenac sodium tablet may cause problems for you and your baby. Your unborn baby can develop kidney or heart problems while you may get prolonged labor and bleeding.

If you must take diclofenac in your first 6 months of pregnancy, take the lowest dose of the treatment 

Using NSAIDS, for more than 48 hours in between weeks 20 to 30 of your pregnancy may cause more harm to you and your unborn child.

Close monitoring is needed to observe signs of complications for example the doctor may check if nutrients are reaching the fetus.

Diclofenac is one of the NSAID drugs that lower the level of amniotic fluid surrounding your baby and also narrow the blood vessels in the heart of your baby.

If you are breastfeeding, you should not take a Diclofenac sodium tablet since it may get into the breast milk.

However, it is not yet confirmed if the treatment can cause side effects to your breastfeeding child.

Tell your doctor if you are breastfeeding before taking Diclofenac medicine.

Diclofenac can cause reversible infertility in women whereby your fertility as a woman will return once you finish the treatment.

It's yet to be known whether Diclofenac affects men's fertility. Talk to your doctor to get more information about Diclofenac and fertility.


Can I drink alcohol while taking diclofenac?

Diclofenac interacts with alcohol. Taking the treatment can increase the risk of getting sore in your gastrointestinal tract or bleeding. Avoid taking alcohol when the doctor prescribes ou Diclofenac for pain.

Is there any food or drink I need to avoid?

Diclofenac dose can be taken with or without food. You may experience a mild side effect such as abdominal pain. However, if the severity of the symptom increases get further advice from your doctor.

When you experience mild symptoms such as nausea take the dose with a snack or food to reduce the symptoms.

What happens if I miss a dose?

If you have missed a dose, take it as soon as you remember but be careful not to take a double dose. If you stop taking Diclofenac  50mg before the dose is over, you may increase the side effects.

Can I buy diclofenac over the counter?

You may not find Diclofenac tablets over the counter in the UK, however, you can get a prescription for Diclofenac 50mg at  Ashcroft pharmacy. 

How long can you take Diclofenac?

You do not need to take diclofenac sodium tablets for a long term. The duration of the treatment depends on your condition.

Some conditions worsen with time specifically if fail to take treatment, therefore the doctor may recommend that you take the treatment for the long term.

Diclofenac vs ibuprofen which is better?

Diclofenac is stronger than Ibuprofen.Diclofenac dose can effectively treat arthritis when taken 2 to 3 times a day. If treating joint pain, you will need a higher prescription dose for Ibuprofen. 

Which NSAID is stronger?Diclofenac or Ibuprofen?

Ibuprofen is a safe treatment for treating pain and fever, it's available over the counter. To take Diclofenac you must have a prescription from the doctor.

The doctor needs to examine your health condition first before prescribing Diclofenac sodium tablets.

Where can I buy diclofenac tablets?

You can buy diclofenac tablets online in the UK from Ashcroft Pharmacy. Simply complete a short consultation form to help our pharmacists prescribe the right dosage.

How long does Diclofenac take to work?

Diclofenac tablet or capsule will take 20 to 30 minutes to start working. Your doctor will prescribe the lowest dose for a short period to treat your symptoms such as pain and fever.

is diclofenac stronger than naproxen?

Naproxen is better than Diclofenac sodium for treating common conditions such as toothache, period pains, and arthritis while Diclofenac is the best pain reliever for treating arthritis pain.

Naproxen lasts longer than Diclofenac sodium tablets therefore you don't have to use the treatment more often.

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