Finasteride side effects and how to avoid them

Finasteride side effects and how to avoid them?

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How to manage Finasteride side effects?

Finasteride medicine may cause temporary side effects that may disappear on their own or after you stop taking the treatment.

Some serious side effects require immediate medical attention. Side effects such as breast cancer and depression are a result of long-term intake of Finasteride treatment.

This blog will discuss in detail the side effects of Finasteride. You will also gain a deeper understanding of Finasteride.

What is Finasteride?

Finasteride is a prescription treatment used to treat hair loss and promote hair regrowth. It's a medication used by men to treat male pattern baldness.

Finasteride Dosage

Finasteride is available in 2 doses:5mg and 1 mg.5 mg is used to treat prostate Men with enlarged prostrate should take 5mg of Finasteride to reduce their symptoms. 1mg of Finasteride is used to prevent hair loss.

Common Finasteride Side Effects 

The doctor will prescribe Finasteride medication since the benefits are greater than the side effects.

Some of the known side effects of Finasteride include:

  • Decreased Libido
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Ejaculation problems
  • Depression

Finasteride Long-Term Side Effects

You can take Finasteride for the long term and experience fewer side effects. However, some people experience long-term side effects after taking the medication for a long time.

Long-term side effects are a result of conditions or reactions that last for a long time such as months or years. Examples of the long-term side effects include:

  • Breast cancer

Use of Finasteride puts men at an increased risk of male breast cancer 

  • Depression

However, if you experience serious side effects, seek medical advice from your doctor. Men are advised to frequently examine their chest area for symptoms such as pain, inflammation lumps, and discharge coming from the nipples.

How Long Do Finasteride Side Effects Last?

Most of the Fianastretide side effects last for a short time however there are side effects that develop ti long-term conditions. Visit a doctor if you experience long-term conditions even after you stop taking the hair loss treatment.

Finasteride and Pregnancy

There are very small amounts of Finasteride in semen. Men are recommended to use protection barriers such as condoms.

There is not enough evidence to show that the small amounts of Finasteride in semen can affect the unborn child and the mother.

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Finasteride and Fertility

Men taking Finasteride have been reported to have poor sperm quality or be infertile. However, ver your sperm goes back to normal when you stop taking the hair loss treatment.

You may also experience erectile dysfunction or decreased libido while using Finasteride hair loss treatment. If you just stopped taking Finasteride baldness treatment and trying to have a baby, get advice from your Doctor.

Even after you stop taking the treatment, it takes time for it to wear off.

Finasteride and Memory Loss

Few men experience Post Finasteride Syndrome (PFS).PFS comes as a result of unfavorable neurological, physical, sexual, and mental reactions.

If you notice memory loss symptoms while taking Finasteride seek support from a qualified pharmacist.

Finasteride Shedding  

During the first few months of taking Finasteride, some men shed much of their hair. During this month thin hair sheds off to create space for the growth of thick hair.

From 6 to 12 months, you may experience increased hair growth and regrowth after you begin using Fianasteride.

How to Reduce Side Effects of Finasteride?

There are a few tips that you can implement to reduce the high risk of Finasteride side effects.

Tips include:

  • Seeking advice from a qualified doctor before taking the medication
  • Confirming if your condition is suitable for the treatment
  • If you are under other medications, confirm if they can affect the effectiveness of the treatment
  • Take the right dose 
  • Ensure that you take the dose on the right day.

Dosage Adjustment:

If you're experiencing side effects, talk to a doctor about adjusting your dosage. Sometimes, a lower dose can help minimize side effects while still providing benefits.


Certain supplements like biotin or saw palmetto may help alleviate some Finasteride side effects. However, it's essential to consult with your doctor before adding any supplements to your regimen to ensure they won't interact with your medication or exacerbate your symptoms.

Lifestyle Changes:

Adopting a healthier lifestyle can sometimes mitigate side effects. This includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, stress reduction techniques like meditation or yoga, and adequate sleep.

Topical Treatments:

Some individuals find relief from Finasteride side effects by using topical treatments like minoxidil to promote hair growth. Again, consult with your healthcare provider to determine if this is a suitable option for you.

Alternative Medications:

In some cases, your doctor may recommend alternative medications for treating hair loss if Finasteride side effects are severe or persistent.

Monitoring and Communication:

Keep track of your symptoms and communicate regularly with your healthcare provider. They can provide guidance and support as you navigate any side effects you may experience.

Remember, it's important to work closely with your healthcare provider when managing Finasteride side effects to ensure your safety and well-being.

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What happens when you stop taking Finasteride?

When you stop taking Finasteride your hair loss and enlarged prostate may resume. It's important to get medical advice from the doctor if you want to stop taking the treatment.

Sometimes it's good to reduce the finasteride dose for a few weeks if you want to stop taking the medication.

Is Finasteride Safe?

Finasteride is a safe long-term use treatment. However, there are other safety factors you should consider while taking the treatment:

  • Take Finasteride as prescribed 
  • Inform the doctor if you are under other treatments 
  • Ensure you are not allergic to Finasteride ingredients 

Is Finasteride worth the risk?

Finasteride is worth the risk. It prevents male pattern baldness and you can take it for a long term without getting serious reactions.

What to use instead of Finasteride?

You can use other medications such as Dutasteride, Rogaine, or Natural DHT blockers in place of Finasteride.

Why do men not take Finasteride?

The hair loss treatment may not be suitable for all men since it can cause effects depression and sexual dysfunction.

Can Finasteride cause permanent erectile dysfunction?

There is no proof that the treatment can cause permanent erectile dysfunction, but if taken for years you may not be able to have normal erections.

Who cannot take Finasteride?

Finasteride should not be used in breastfeeding or pregnant women.

Is Finasteride legal in the UK?

Yes, Finasteride is a prescription-only tablet available to treat hair loss in men in the UK.

What happens after 1 month of Finasteride?

After one month of taking Finasteride, you will stop having hair loss and after 3 months you will experience regrowth.

How long should I stay on Finasteride?

You should take the hair loss treatment as advised by your doctor. If you stop asking the treatment without the doctor's instructions your hair loss and enlarged prostrate symptoms may resume.


Finasteride treatment is an effective treatment for hair loss and male pattern baldness. Most people experience either common or no side effects throughout the treatment. If you experience any of the mentioned side effects seek medical advice from a doctor for further treatment.

Ashcroft Pharmacy is one of the licensed pharmacies in the UK where you can get Fianssteride at an affordable price to treat your symptoms.


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